As of July 1, 2014, providers now need to develop additional emergency plans. These new plans include missing child, chemical release, utility failure, acts of violence/terrorism, or other situations that might require evacuation, lockdown, or shelter in place. See the information here on KDHE's website.

Some surveyors have sent out emails to providers but other areas have not been informed yet of these changes. Providers who have had recent surveys have been told that they have until next year to develop these plans.

Here are some links as you develop your plans. I'll post an example of the ones I developed.

UPDATE: After my survey, I found out that I needed to add something to my evacuation plan. You need to put in your plan the route you will take to your evacuation location so that parents could follow your "footsteps" if needed. (Also, it is ok to transport the kids in an evacuation even if you don't transport. KDHE was told that providers should put the kids in a vehicle and transport if being told to evacuate. Providers don't have to fill out the transportation paperwork [first aid kit, insurance, etc] because it would be an emergency situation.)

I've also been told that the City of Wichita would like to have providers call the police first thing for the missing child. I'm not sure about other police departments. My surveyor didn't say I needed to change anything about how my Missing Child policy was written.

Missing Child: In the event that a child seems to be missing, a thorough search of the home and grounds would be made after making sure that the remaining children were safe. Parents/guardians and police would be notified immediately if the child were not found. Police procedures would then be followed after the police arrived.

If a child does not arrive within an hour of the scheduled drop-off time, the provider will contact parents/guardians if parents/guardians have not contacted the provider to say the child will be late.

Utility Failure: In the event that utilities should fail, the provider will contact the company to see how long until the service is back up and running. If the service will be down for less than 2 hours, the provider will contact parents/guardians to give them the option to pick up their child/children until the service has returned. If the service will be longer than 2 hours, parents/guardians will be contacted to pick up their child (ren).

Chemical Release: In the event of a chemical release, the following steps would be followed if the situation requires the daycare to follow a “shelter-in” procedure:
1.     Move inside immediately if not inside already.
2.     Close and lock all windows and doors.
3.     Turn off all ventilation systems.
4.     Enter and seal a room to prevent air from entering by sealing doors/windows with towels and tape.
5.     Turn on the radio to wait for further instructions.
6.     Stay off the phone lines, as emergency responders will need the phone lines.

If an immediate evacuation is required, the provider has signed up for Emergency Alerts from the City of Andover. The instructions in the alert will tell the provider how to proceed. The provider will take the children’s files with us in the event of an evacuation so that she can contact parents/guardians.

Violent Act/Terrorism: In the event of a violent act or an act of terrorism, the following steps will be taken to keep the children safe:
1.     Make sure all doors and windows are locked.
2.     Gather all the children into the daycare bathroom, which is located away from windows and doors.
3.     Contact parents and police to advise them of the situation.

Evacuation: The provider has signed up for Emergency Alerts from the City of Andover. The instructions in the alert will tell the provider how to proceed. The provider will take the children’s files with us in the event of an evacuation so that she can contact parents/guardians. If the instructions do not contain an evacuation location but evacuation is necessary, the provider will take children to the Fire Station located at 911 North Andover Road.

Lockdown: In the event of a lockdown situation, the following procedures will be followed:
1.     Make sure all doors and windows are locked.
2.     Gather all the children into the daycare bathroom, which is located away from windows and doors.
3.     Contact parents and police to advise them of the situation.

Shelter in place: In the event that it is safer for the provider and children to remain inside rather than evacuate, the provider will keep all children in the basement playroom with her. If the situation is one that requires the provider and children to be away from windows, the provider and children will move to the daycare bathroom. Parents/guardians will be notified to pick up when the situation is safe.


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